Event Tickets Someone forgot to inform Mother Nature about the importance of freezing temperatures to hold an ice fishing tournament to fight cancer. Because of our unseasonable temperatures and inconsistent ice conditions, we have canceled our Fishing for the Cure ice fishing tournament scheduled for February 17, 2024. Because cancer does not stop, neither do our fundraising efforts. We may not be able to fish, but we are still able to make a difference for those fighting cancer. Our raffle drawing will still take place. Tickets can be purchased at Elden’s Fresh Foods, Paul’s Small Engine, Christopherson Bait, Osakis True Value, or Alexandria Industries. If raffles are not your thing, please contact Alexandria Industries to contribute a donation which will go to the Douglas County Relay for Life. We know many of you are just as determined to find a cure for cancer as we are. Thanks for making a difference and we will see you on the ice in 2025!